Our Campaigns

We invite you to learn more about the people we empower, where we work, the solutions driving our impact, and the magnitude of the water crisis that is affecting Rural India and to see how your support can change lives.

Lakes restoration in Ramnad

This project at Ramnad has the potential to provide water resources to 20 lakh people.

Our Lake Revival Projects

Together, we have empowered millions of people to access clean water resources. Nonetheless, there is still a considerable need, and we encourage you to team up with us in accomplishing our goals for water conservation.


Delta region

Ramnad district

Mangroves restoration

Water is for everyone

Water is for everyone! Sadly everyone on this earth doesn’t have equal access to water, for some people water is a luxury. Globally the water crisis affects everyone equally. We must conserve water bodies in order to address the current water crisis that the world is experiencing. Maintaining waterbodies and raising the level of groundwater is how we can effectively conserve water and improve water quality. We need to look for saltwater intrusion in coastal areas; once this is done, people will have access to natural water for their daily needs at least. 

1 Crore trees

The goal of our “1 crore trees” campaign is to stop the massive forest and tree destruction that is contributing to global warming. In each lake that we restore, a minimum of 500 saplings are planted. The biggest threat to the ecosystem is invasive species. To repair the harm, we eliminate invasive species and plant saplings of native species. The saplings are of self sustainingvariety therefore they require no or less maintenance. Additionally, we design theme-based lake islands within the lakes to address specific challenges that a region is facing. 

Go organic

Under the Go Organic campaign, we provide Organic farming training to farmers. The aim of the campaign is to gradually move them from conventional farming to organic farming. We give them hands-on training in producing organic materials and microbial fertilisers, green manure, and biological pest control to maintain soil productivity and control pests, excluding the use of synthetic fertilisers and pesticides and genetically modified organisms.We also help farmers with buyback schemes and receive various government certifications for their organic produce.

New age farmers

Being a good farmer today involves more than just effectively managing your crops and livestock. Modern farming includes a wide range of practices, including cutting-edge financial management, knowing globally accepted standards, and risk management techniques. Our New Age Farmers campaign helps farmers learn these skills through training and exposure visits to our model farms and by giving them access to affordable, recent technologies. We also help farmers receive benefits under various government schemes. 

Water Action Group

We train women in waterbody management and nursery management wherever we restore lakes in order to provide women with an income-generation opportunity. As we create lake islands, the islands will have fruit-bearing and medicinal plants. The women will be sensitised on waterbody conservation trained in fruit and plant rearing and preserving, and we also train 20 women in nursery management. We give them a buy-back policy for their saplings and use it for our future projects 

Nutritional Garden

Under our nutritional garden campaign, we pick regions that have a very high rate of malnutrition and anaemia among children and women, and we train women to produce 25 different vegetables for their own consumption. This helps with self-sustenance and includes the aspect of nutritional diversity in their daily diet. We also help them use only organic manures, pesticides, and biofertilizers. Gradually, we train them to produce vegetables to sell in the market. We help them with market linkage and receive government subsidies.

Little Drops

Most of the poor girl children in rural areas don’t attend school after their puberty owing to the lack of toilets and sanitation facilities.  Most of the government school washrooms are either damaged or are lass in numbers therefore the children face difficulty in using the washroom during the break. Our Little Drops campaign aims at constructing or repairing toilet complexes in rural government schools. We also fix the water issues the schools are facing. We also conduct awareness campaigns on importance of washing hands, water conservation and afforestation.